DR postal codes API API Reference

This API allows the user to retrieve the postal codes of the Dominican republic

API Endpoint
Contact: alphaelena@gmail.com
Schemes: https
Version: 1.3


GET /postal-codes

GET method, returns a list of postal codes given a provincia provided by query string

provincia: string all, altagracia, azua, bahoruco, barahona, dajabon, duarte, seibo, eliaspina, espaillat, hatomayor, independencia, laromana, lavega, mariatrinidadsanchez, monsenornouel, montecristi, monteplata, pedernales, peravia, puertoplata, hermanasmirabal, samana, sancristobal, sanjuan, sanpedrodemacoris, sanchezramirez, santiago, santiagorodriguez, valverde, ocoa, santodomingo
in query

Provincia to be provided by the user to get its postal codes, mandatory

format: string csv, json json
in query

Response content output format

200 OK

200 JSON response

Response Content-Types: application/json, text/plain
Response Example (200 OK)
    "provincia": "string",
    "zipcode": "string",
    "street": "string",
    "street_short": "string",
    "place": "string",
    "coor_z": "number",
    "coor_y": "number",
    "lng": "number",
    "lat": "number"